Cost Of Barbing Salon Equipment In Nigeria Currently (2024)

In this article, we will enlighten you on the current cost of barbing salon equipment in Nigeria this 2024. The prices of these barbing salon instruments vary from place to place but for the purposes of this post, we shall give an estimate so as to help you plan your budget if you have the need to venture into this business in Nigeria today.

Cost Of Barbing Salon Equipment In Nigeria Currently

In the country currently, salon business has become one of the choicest businesses to venture into, especially barbing. Barbing salon business which is one of the branches of the wider salon business (comprising of hairdressing for females, as well as cosmetology, etc.) is making great waves, and the market/industry continues to grow, generating massive daily incomes in the process for those who have decided to embrace it as a source of living.

Depending on the scale you have chosen to operate on, be it, small, medium or large scale, this business continues to give sustained profits that encourages the business owners to continue to deliver in their line of work. Apart from the daily income that it guarantees, barbing salon business is at its most patronized on weekends, especially on Saturdays and Sundays as people prepare for religious activities, other weekend functions and the resumption of work on Mondays.

Opening a barbing salon is not all that expensive and because of this, many Nigerian youths are embracing the business in their numbers and as we have stated previously, the potential for making huge profits per day is really high. While this business is very lucrative, there are challenges to it and one of them is opening a standard barbing salon with all of the equipment in place bar none. If you want to do this as a barber, you should be prepared to spend large amounts to make your dream salon a reality.

As with other businesses, it is not all that easy to open a barbing salon even if you have the resources, and this is due to the fact that you will have to plan and plan as there are quite a lot of equipment to buy, and you do not wish to buy fake ones that would not last. Also, you don’t just open a salon and start operating right away. This is because there are certain rules in place in this industry that you must adhere to in order to avoid issues with the governing body of the industry which is the National Association of Barbers and Cosmetology Employers of Nigeria (NABCEN).

In order for you to operate a barbing salon in the country, you must be certified and licensed by NABCEN. This certification confirms you as their member and gives you the licence to operate as a barber in the location you have chosen to operate. To get certified, ensure that your barbing salon or shop is ready so that the association can confirm that you are a shop owner. If after inspection, they are satisfied, you will be given your licence to operate. People who have no shops are not given licences to operate, kindly take note of this.

Once your shop is ready, next thing to do is to buy the necessary equipment that will aid your business. There are basic equipment every barber must have in order to run a successful salon business and they come in grades. Depending on your financial capacity, you can buy the one that suits your budget and upgrade with time.

If however, you have the means and do want to purchase as many barbing equipment in addition to the basic ones so as to open a standard barbing salon, you can as well do it and this is what differentiates you from a regular barber, the extra that you have added to your business. As we continue we shall be looking at the various barbing equipment required for a salon business to thrive and their current prices in Nigeria’s market today.


On the average, the cost of starting a barbing salon business in Nigeria can be as low as ₦100,000 or as high as up to ₦5 million and this largely depends on your budget and the location of your salon as well as the size of your barbershop. Whichever way, ensure that you have planned really well for your business and given the costs some serious thoughts before venturing into it.

Starting up a barbing salon requires good capital, you may not necessarily need to break the bank but if you want something that can create a good first impression, leaving your customers satisfied, with the thoughts of coming back to your shop because of the way you rendered your service, you will need to invest properly in your salon business so as to get the most out of it.


Below is a comprehensive list of major barbing salon equipment in Nigeria and their prices in the market this 2024:


The most important equipment to purchase when venturing into barbing salon business in Nigeria is the clipper. Depending on the size of your shop, a minimum of two to five clippers is just enough. You can get more if your salon is much larger than normal. Clippers come in different sizes and their price range is between ₦5,000 – ₦30,000 depending on what you want.


Sterilizers are as important as clippers to barbers because they are used to disinfect barbing equipment to greatly reduce the spread of diseases in barbing. The price of a sterilizer in Nigeria today ranges between ₦15,000 – ₦45,000, and this depends on the brand, type and size.


Of course a barbing salon isn’t complete without mounting large mirrors on the wall in order to help the barber do his job effectively. It also helps a customer see and appreciate the work that is done on their hair. Two mirrors are just enough to start with when venturing into barbing business. Large wall mirrors cost between ₦20,000 – ₦45,000 depending on the quality of what you want.


Rotating chairs are very important in barbing as it helps the barber access all angles of the client’s hair while working on it. Rotating chairs cost between ₦15,000 – ₦60,000 depending on the type you want. You can also buy chairs for your waiting customers within the same price range and this depends on the quality you want.


Due to the epileptic power supply in the country, and because barbing salon business requires constant power, it is very necessary that you get a generator brand that will serve you and your business well. Generators cost between ₦60,000 – ₦270,000 depending on what you want.


In order to make the atmosphere conducive at your barbing salon, you will need either air conditioners or fans or both, having your customer’s comfort at heart. The price of a fan ranges between ₦15,000 – ₦75,000, while air conditioners can cost between ₦150,000 – ₦350,000 depending on the horse power.


Sound systems for playing music can improve the mood of your customers at your salon. You can also go a step further by adding a television set with a cable TV to entertain your customers. Sound systems cost between ₦50,000 – ₦290,000 based on what you want.

Other barbing equipment include the following:

  • Hair Relaxer: ₦500 – ₦2,000
  • Set of Hair Combs: ₦1,000 – ₦3,000
  • Hair Conditioner: ₦800 – ₦3,000
  • Barber Cap: ₦1,000 – ₦4,000
  • Long Shaving Brush with Powder Slot: ₦1,500 – ₦3,000
  • Professional Barbers Duster Brush: ₦1,000 – ₦3,000
  • Human Hair Brush: ₦500 – ₦1,500
  • Barber’s Neck Strip: ₦1,200 – ₦2,000
  • Neck Tissue Paper: ₦2,000 – ₦3,000.

Ezeh Emmanuella

Ezeh Emmanuella is an information enthusiast and the Editor of Nigerian Search Guide. She loves to answer search queries on everything Nigeria. She is also the brain behind Ellacious Designs, an emerging fashion brand in Nigeria today.

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1 Response

  1. Eric Abel says:

    Nice one

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