Lagos State Coat Of Arms: Meaning Of The Logo

This article is about the Lagos State Coat of Arms or Logo, and we shall be looking at the history and meaning of the logo of Nigeria’s most populous and richest State. The Coat of Arms of Lagos State is the official seal of the Lagos State Government which also doubles as the symbol of authority in the State. The logo was designed on May 24, 1967 and it has several artistic features which denote the rich history of Lagos State as we shall see shortly.

Meaning Of The Lagos State Coat Of Arms

Lagos State is the commercial capital of Nigeria; it is the smallest State in Nigeria by land area but also the most developed and the largest in terms of infrastructure and industrialization. The State has a rich history that dates back to the precolonial era, and its people are unique in their own way of life. Lagos was the most recent capital of Nigeria before the Federal Government moved its headquarters to Abuja in 1991.

The Lagos State Coat of Arms, unofficially known as its logo was designed shortly after the creation of the State, and ever since then, it has been widely accepted by every Lagosian, indigene and resident alike, and it is a symbol that has come to be respected by everyone in the State, but just how well do you know the Lagos State logo? Nigerian Guide will give a detailed explanation of every feature on the Lagos State Coat Of Arms so that you can be enlightened on what the logo truly means.


The following are the features found on the Lagos State Coat Of Arms (Logo) and their meanings:

The Lagos State Coat Of Arms features the following: a white cap, akoko leaves, a wheel, the cowries, fishing activities, three lines, coconut palm, and the Lagos state motto which is “Justice and Progress”, and we shall discuss each meaning below:


The white cap, also known as the keresimesi in the Yoruba Language is the first thing you will notice atop the Lagos State logo, it is very symbolic as it denotes the white cap worn by the chiefs who make up the cabinet of the Oba of Lagos. These chiefs are known as the white cap chiefs and they are very well respected among the people. The white cap depicts authority.


The Akoko leaves are seen just under the white cap on the Lagos State logo and these leaves are very symbolic as they depict longevity.⁣ ⁣The leaves play significant roles at the installation of new Obas/traditional rulers in Lagos State and all over Yorubaland in the South-Western geopolitical zone of Nigeria. The Yoruba people use these leaves to pray to their gods for the long life and well being of their new king.


The wheel on the Lagos State Coat Of Arms or logo is the representation of Lagos State’s status as the industrial hub of the country while the red background on which the wheel can be seen indicates power generation in the State.


The cowries takes us back to the past, it represents the time in history when cowries were used as the official medium of exchange before the emergence of paper money and coins while the yellow background on which the cowries are captured represent the colour of the foreshore sands that are found in all the divisions of Lagos State.⁣


Lagos State, especially the Lagos Metropolitan Area, is a coastal region in Nigeria and the fishing activities take us back to the traditional occupation of the earliest settlers in Lagos which is still practiced today.⁣ ⁣The blue background represents an abundance of ponds, lakes, rivers, streams, seas and other water bodies in the State. This is why Lagos State is known as the State of aquatic splendour.


The three lines on the Lagos State Logo which divides the wheel, cowries and the fishing activities represent the past, present and future of Lagos State and her people.


The coconut trees, as well as the green grass that can be clearly seen on the Coat of Arms of Lagos State represent the rich agricultural history of the State, it also projects the coconut as the main agricultural produce of Lagos.


The Lagos State motto, “Justice, Peace and Progress” is very conspicuous at the bottom of the State’s logo. The motto is a summary of the beliefs or ideals of the State and her people.

Ezeh Emmanuella

Ezeh Emmanuella is an information enthusiast and the Editor of Nigerian Search Guide. She loves to answer search queries on everything Nigeria. She is also the brain behind Ellacious Designs, an emerging fashion brand in Nigeria today.

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