Cost of Dental (Teeth) Braces In Nigeria Currently (2025)
This article is about the current cost of dental Braces, also known as teeth braces in Nigeria this 2025. Dental braces are devices that are used to correct crowded or crooked teeth, as well as misaligned jaws in order to straighten the teeth and position them very nicely as they ought to be. Dentists or orthodontists are the medical practitioners to visit when one needs to fix a dental brace and it is the cost of dental braces in Nigeria presently that is the focus of this article today.
Gone are the days when dental braces were restricted to kids and adolescents only as adults these days have been known to request the expertise of dentists or orthodontists to help them fix dental braces in order to correct certain misalignment of the teeth where necessary. This has not left Nigeria out as in the country currently, the demand for teeth braces has increased steadily over the years.
Occlusions are a major reason why dental braces are needed and as we proceed, we will state the prices of these braces so that people who need any can know the right amount of money to pay in order to get one fixed. If you want to become a dentist in the country, check out our list of top 10 dental universities in Nigeria to know more. In the mean time, let us focus our attention on the price of teeth braces in Nigeria currently.
The average cost of acquiring dental (teeth) braces in Nigeria this 2025 is around ₦300,000 – ₦3,000,000 and this depends on the hospital visited, the type of braces, the nature of dental issue that has been diagnosed for treatment as well as the currency exchange rate at that period when the braces were requested. In most of the government hospitals in Nigeria where they specialize in fixing dental braces, the price ranges between ₦300,000 – ₦800,000.
There are different types of dental braces and their applications are dependent on the dental issue to be treated; they also come in different prices as some are more expensive than the others as we shall see going forward. It is important to note that sometimes, the teeth braces to be fixed is dependent on the dental issue that the patient is suffering at that particular time.
Different types of dental braces exist with different prices as well. The cost of fixing them depends on the particular type of problem one has with their teeth arrangement as well as the material used in constructing these braces.
Sometimes, the brand that produces these dental braces also affect the cost, so before scheduling an appointment with the dentist, these are some of the things that affects the price of braces in the country and you should ensure that you understand them very well so as not to be caught by surprise.
Below are some of the types of dental braces and their prices in Nigeria currently:
Metal teeth braces are the most common types of dental braces presently and they are made of stainless steel or stainless and nickel titanium. This type of braces are the least expensive of the various types and their prices range between ₦500,000 – almost ₦2 million. Most young people, especially kids and teenagers use this type of dental braces and many adults also favour this because it costs less than the other types. Metal braces come in different metallic materials and the gold plated ones are the most expensive in this category.
Ceramic dental braces are also known as clear dental braces. This type of teeth braces is made of ceramic brackets that match the exact colour as the patient’s teeth in order to blend easily with the patient’s teeth. Ceramic dental braces are so clear that when standing at a considerable distance, they are not easily noticeable by people.
This type of dental braces has become very popular among the young and the old due to their clear nature with makes it almost impossible to be noticed. Ceramic dental braces are very expensive in Nigeria as the price is between ₦800,000 – about ₦2 million. This type of dental braces is fragile and prone to breakage because of the material used in producing it and must be handled with care.
Invisible dental braces are among the most expensive braces in the country presently. They are of two variations; the Lingual dental braces, which fit onto the back of the teeth instead of the front, and the Invisalign braces, which are clear with plastic snap-on trays which help to rearrange teeth. The Invisible dental braces are some of the most widely accepted dental braces among older people as they do not need to worry about discomfort and certain other uneasiness caused by other dental braces. This does not in any way affect their confidence.
Lingual dental braces cost from anywhere in the range between ₦1.2 million – ₦2 million and this depends on the hospital or dental clinic visited, the location of such hospitals and, most times, the difficulty of applying the braces. Lingual braces are less visible than the most other types of braces and they are painful initially upon first fixing them but with time the pain subsides.
Invisalign dental braces on the other hand are the simpler versions of lingual braces. They are also invisible dental braces. The plastic trays in invasilign dental braces ensure that the teeth of the patient are carefully rearranged into more correct positions with the passage of time. It is less expensive than the other types and regular users need multiple trays.
On the average, invasilign dental braces cost between the price range of ₦600,000 – ₦1.3 million in many hospitals across the country. Treatment with it can take a longer time than treatment with other types of dental braces and the results are slower than when being treated with other braces but with time, the results are visible enough.
Wearers of invasilign dental braces should be comfortable wearing it for a long time because the braces are invisible and they are expected to go for check ups from time to time. Initially, the braces are painful upon fixing it for the first time but the wearer will get used to it with the passage of time. Prices are subject to change and dependent on hospital, dental clinic and their locations.