How To Pay Electricity Bills Online In Nigeria Currently (2025)

This article is about how to pay electricity/utility bills online in Nigeria this 2025. If you are looking for ways on how to go about paying your NEPA bills through the internet, then look no further as we have given a step by step process on how to pay your utility bills online. This comes as a good news to many people in Nigeria as they will never again have cause to join the long and stressful queues either at the bank or at any electricity distribution company office just to pay their electricity bills.

How To Pay Electricity Bills Online In Nigeria Currently

In this modern day and age, the internet has proven to be an answered prayer for many people in the way they do their transactions as it is quick and fast, and saves time to do many other things almost all at once, helping especially busy people to manage their time really well. This is no different when you want to pay your NEPA/PHCN light bill as you do not need long stories before your electricity utility bills are settled.

In order for it to be possible to make online payments for electricity utility very easy and convenient, most electricity distribution companies in Nigeria have partnered with some financial institutions and card processors in the country to ensure that their customers have a unique user experience without stress. Kindly note that online payment is only possible if you have a meter in your home.


Below are the things you need that will enable you easily pay your electricity utility bills online:

  • Your ATM card, either Visa, Verve or Master Card.
  • Your PHCN customer account number or your meter number. This number can be gotten at the nearest Electricity Distribution Company office which provides services to your area. You can request for the personal account number for your home at the PHCN office. This number is also written at the top left corner of your light bill, just above your name.
  • Computer or Smart device
  • Stable internet connection
  • Your phone number
  • Your valid email address


If you want to make your NEPA/PHCN Electricity payment using quickteller, below are the following steps to take:

  • Visit using either your computer or your smart devices
  • If you are yet to have an account with quickteller, you are advised to sign up first before attempting to carry out your payment process
  • When making payment, provide your unique 12-digit PHCN customer account number
  • Input your valid e-mail address where necessary
  • Input your phone number where necessary.
  • Input the amount of money you want to pay in the space provided
  • Click on “Continue”
  • Enter your ATM card details in the spaces provided.
  • Provide your authenticating token sent to you by the bank you use for payment.
  • Click on proceed to pay and that’s it. A notification will be sent to you by PHCN via e-mail confirming your payment.

If you are using vtpass, which is similar to quickteller for your online transaction, these are the steps you should take. Mind you that the requirements for making electricity payments remain the same, so without further ado, let us look at the various steps for making online electricity payments using your computer or your smartphone.

  • If you have not registered with vtpass, kindly do so by visiting and if you are an existing customer, simply login your username and password. You can also install the app on your phone via Google playstore
  • Once that is done, you will see a box asking you “What do you want to”, kindly select “Pay Electricity Bills” from the options given.
  • After you must have selected the “pay electricity bills” option, you will see another dropdown box where you can select which electricity distribution company you are paying to
  • Once you have selected the particular Electricity Distribution Company, click on the “Go” button and you will be taken to another page where you can choose the meter type you are paying for, whether it is prepaid or postpaid
  • If it is prepaid, select the “Prepaid” option
  • Input your meter type
  • Input your meter number
  • Add your phone number
  • Enter your e-mail address and the amount you want to buy in the boxes specified.
  • Click “Continue” to proceed with your payment. A confirmation page will be shown to you containing the details you filled in order for you to verify if everything you filled in is correct
  • Confirm your transaction by clicking the “Pay with Card” option.
  • A pop up dialogue will be displayed on your screen, enter your Debit Card Number, The Expiration Date and the Card Verification Value (the 3-digit number at the back of your ATM card)

Once payment is done, a confirmation e-mail or a text message will be sent to you stating that the transaction was successful. Also, the prepaid meter token will be sent via e-mail or text message to you and once you receive your token, you can proceed to load the prepaid meter.

Ezeh Emmanuella

Ezeh Emmanuella is an information enthusiast and the Editor of Nigerian Search Guide. She loves to answer search queries on everything Nigeria. She is also the brain behind Ellacious Designs, an emerging fashion brand in Nigeria today.

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