Official Cost Of International Passport In Nigeria Currently (2025)

The official cost of an international passport in Nigeria as of this year 2025 is what we shall discuss in this article. To avoid being duped into paying more or less for this highly prized Nigerian travel document, individuals who frequently travel outside of Nigeria or those who are considering doing so for the first time need to be aware of the current cost of an international passport in Nigeria.

How To Verify A Nigerian International Passport

The Nigerian International Passport, sometimes referred to as the e-Passport, is a passport that is recognized all around the world. You would be able to be quickly recognized and verified as a legitimate Nigerian citizen using it. In addition to travelling, you could need it while conducting genuine international transactions so that your identity can be validated and you won’t be accused of being a fraud.

The Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) is the top paramilitary organization in charge of issuing international passports within the nation. Once you have applied and paid the required money for your Nigerian International passport, they are involved in processing and issuing it. The 64-page international passport and the 32-page international passport are the two main categories of Nigerian international passports.

Both sets of passports can be classified as one of three different passport types: the normal passport (green cover), the official passport (blue cover), or the diplomatic passport (red cover), which is reserved for Nigerian diplomats. The 64-page Nigerian international passport was created primarily to accommodate Nigerians who travel frequently enough to use up their 32-page passport.


As of this year 2025, an official 64-page Nigerian international passport with a 10-year validity period costs ₦100,000, while a 32-page passport with a five-year validity period costs ₦50,000. This new cost took effect from September, 2025 and it is official.

Advantages and benefits of the new international passport in Nigeria include the following:

  • 10-year validity period
  • Self-tracking of visa applications, and
  • Improved durability with polycarbonate technology.


If you are applying for the Nigerian International Passport, you will be required to present the following documents:

For standard Passport (all Nigerian citizens), you will need to present:

  • Local Government letter of identification.
  • Birth certificate/age declaration.
  • 2 recent colour passport photographs
  • Guarantor’s form sworn to before a commissioner of Oaths/Magistrate/High Court Judge
  • Parents’ letter of consent for minors under 16 years of age
  • Marriage certificate where applicable
  • Police report in case of lost passport

For official passport (government officials), you are required to present the following documents:

  • Letter of introduction from appropriate State Government, Federal Government Ministry/Organization.
  • Marriage certificate where applicable
  • Police report in case of lost passport
  • Letter of appointment / last promotion

All payments for your passport application can be made online on the application portal of the Nigeria Immigration Service.


  • Go to the Nigeria Immigration Service international passport application portal
  • Find and select the appropriate application form to start the process:
  • Select the passport type “Standard e-Passport” OR “Official e-Passport”, based on your desired passport choice after which you click on ‘Start Application’ button.
  • Fill the Application form; make sure to check the ‘I ACCEPT FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS FORM’ check box then click the “PRINT” button to print filled form.
  • Submit your application and view ‘Applicant details page’
  • Select “Proceed to Online Payment”
  • Click to select Payment Currency “Pay in Naira” or “Pay in Dollars” option to choose your desired currency payment method, then Click on ‘Continue’ button
  • Select the currency you want to use for payment (either Naira or US Dollars) and select the payment method whether you want to pay with your credit or debit card.
  • If you choose to pay with your Credit/Debit card, select “Credit/Debit card” and click continue. You will be required to fill in your log-in details. Once that is done, click the “Login” button and by so doing, you will be automatically sent to the payment portal where you are required to click the “PAY” button. Once you reach the Payment portal, click on the “Continue” button where you will be prompted to “Value Card” payment page. Once you get to the page, input your card information and click on the “OK” button. After payment, the “Validation Number” is generated. Store it and use it to confirm the payment. You can also print a receipt by clicking the “Print the Receipt” button. After payment, the bank will issue an ‘approved payment platform provider’ receipt that contains a “Validation Number”. You will need this “Validation Number” for confirmation of payment on the portal.
  • If you selected the option to pay at a bank, select “Bank” and click continue to see the list of banks provided, then click on ‘Continue’. You will be prompted to click the “Print Acknowledgment” button. The acknowledgement slip comprises of the Transaction ID, Application ID and Reference Number. You can take this to the participating bank and make the necessary payment.
  • If you live outside Nigeria and you have selected a processing country other than Nigeria, your payment will be in US Dollars. You will be redirected to an approved payment platform to complete your application and make your payment in US Dollars.
  • Once you have made payment, you can take your receipt with the validation number to the Nigeria Immigration Service portal for confirmation of payment. You can follow the steps below:
  • Go to the “Query your Application Payment Status” and enter your Passport Application ID and Reference Number.
  • If a “Validation Number” field appears, enter the number from your ‘approved payment platform provider’ receipt. Remember that Validation Number has been generated after payment through Bank as well.
  • Click the “Search Record” button and you will be sent to the “Applicant’s Details” page where a date for your interview has been generated.
  • You can now print a Receipt or an Acknowledgement Slip by using the buttons on this page. (You will need them for your interview).
  • You will be presented with your NIS e-receipt or Acknowledgement Slip in a new window. Click on “Print” button to send a copy to the printer.

When your payment has been confirmed, you can then go for your interview with the relevant documents required for it. Your interview schedule, final e-receipt and acknowledgment slip can be accessed using your Validation Number.

Take along your Nigeria Immigration Service e-Receipt with you when you’re going for your interview. The e-receipt can be printed when you click on the ‘Query your application payment status’ link on the NIS portal.

Select ‘Passport’ on the next page as an option under the ‘Application Type’ drop down. Fill in your Application ID, Reference Number and Validation Number (if applicable) and submit the details.

At this juncture, your full application details will be returned and you can scroll down the page to click on ‘Print receipt’ after which you will be presented with your NIS e-receipt in a new window. You can now click on ‘Print this receipt’ to send a copy to the printer.

Make sure to generate your Passport Guarantor’s Form which you will be required to present at your interview. To generate it, kindly peruse through the following steps:

  • Click on “passport guarantor’s form” at the home page of the Nigeria Immigration Service portal
  • Input the reference and ID number generated on your acknowledgment slip
  • Select “Print” to print out first page and “Next” to print out second page (You are required to click the Print button).

When you are through with your application, the documents you’re required to take along with you to the passport office include the following:

  • Acknowledgment slip and payment receipt together with 2 recent passport photographs (take as many recent passport photographs as you will need to the passport office just in case).
  • Copy of duly completed application form
  • Printed and signed application forms to Passport office
  • Photocopy of Data page of Nigerian standard passport of your guarantor and Driving Licence or National Identity Card.

This is basically all you need to know about Nigerian International passport and it’s application and payment information.

Ezeh Emmanuella

Ezeh Emmanuella is an information enthusiast and the Editor of Nigerian Search Guide. She loves to answer search queries on everything Nigeria. She is also the brain behind Ellacious Designs, an emerging fashion brand in Nigeria today.

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1 Response

  1. Vitalis Awuhe Michael says:

    Good one there. Never relent in your effort.

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